Many thanks to all who submitted an abstract for ANR2023!
The Scientific Committee will review all submissions and take care of the selections of poster/oral presentation and awarding the grants. Presenting authors of selected abstracts have to be registered before April 1st, only then the abstracts will be published.
Special grants
100 special grants for young researchers from outside Europe
As the price of intercontinental tickets has sharply increased, our sponsors Lerner Fund and Villa Joep have made 100 special grants available for young researchers from outside Europe. Candidates have to meet the following criteria:
- PhD student, Postdoc and/or clinician in training
- <35 years of age
- living and working outside of Europe
- have submitted an abstract that was accepted for ANR2023
The best 100 abstracts will be awarded with a grant of € 275. This amount will be subtracted from your registration costs, implying that your registration will be free.
How to register?
In case you have indicate during the abstract submission process whether you are eligible for a grant and meet the conditions and your abstract among by the 100 best scored abstracts, you will be honored with a special grant. In case your work is awarded with a grant, this will be mentioned in your letter of acceptance including a complimentary registration link.
If you applied for a special grant, please do not register yet. This avoids the refunding of prepaid amounts.
Hotel accommodation
If you are planning to book hotel accommodation in Amsterdam, we encourage you to do this already, because hotel booking is not part of the congress registration process.